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Improving the vascular access for hemodialysis patients


Patients on dialysis are much more likely than the general population to develop heart and blood vessel diseases, and quality of life is many times conflicted.

Fistulas improve access to more efficient dialysis, however, fistula failure rates have been estimated as high as 60% with most patients requiring frequent additional procedures to make the fistula functional.

Investment Rationale

Laminate Medical had very strong early clinical evidence of the solution benefits when we were presented with the opportunity to join the company. Dialysis is a highly complex treatment with many associated complications that affect the lives of many patients and healthcare providers. Laminate’s flagship product, VasQTM External Support, is a membrane supporting fistulas for a significantly greater probability of success in becoming functional without the need for additional procedures.

The unmet needs of the industry lead to very strong market demand for a product to solve the structural problem of fistula failures. Co-founders Eyal Orion & Tammy Gilon were the best potential team to develop a solution.

Israel & USA
First Investment Date


Rounds Invested

Series B